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Response interceptor

The response interceptors are functions that make it possible to react according to the status code resulting from a creation or update action from a Form. To define them you can specify the status code that you want to handle, and set a function that receives two parameters: the first one is the form id and the second one the response.

Let's see how to create interceptors for different status codes into a form.

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { FieldType, useForm } from '@fancy-crud/vue';
import { ref } from 'vue';

const form = useForm({
  fields: {
    // Some fields...
  settings: {
    // Some settings...
  responseInterceptor: {
    200: (formId: symbol, response: any) => {
      // Do something when the response code is 200
    201: (formId: symbol, response: any) => {
      // Do something when the response code is 201
    400: (formId: symbol, response: any) => {
      // Do something when the response code is 400. 

By default there is a generic notification error for status codes starting from 400 up to 451; and 500 up to 511. To see the notification error you should have installed a toast plugin like plugin-vue3-toastify.

If you want to create a response interceptor and set it by default for every form, you can define them in the FancyCRUD configurations. For example:

import { defineConfig } from '@fancy-crud/vue'

export const fancyCrud = defineConfig({
  // Some other configurations...

  responseInterceptors: {
    200: (formId: symbol, response: any) => {
      // Always do something for every form, when the response code is 200
    201: (formId: symbol, response: any) => {
      // Always do something for every form, when the response code is 201
    400: (formId: symbol, response: any) => {
      // Always do something for every form, when the response code is 400. 